MultiChoice Announces a Major Pan-African Initiative for Film & Television industry The MultiChoice Talent Factory aims to ignite A...
MultiChoice Announces a Major Pan-African Initiative for Film & Television industry
- The MultiChoice Talent Factory aims to ignite Africa’s creative industries
- The 3-part initiative kicks off with launch of regional academy in Kenya
- Applications for the MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy Now Open!
DODOMA 30th May 2018 Today MultiChoice Africa, the continent’s leading video entertainment services provider, announced a bold new Pan-African social investment initiative - the MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) - aimed at igniting and growing Africa’s creative industries into vibrant, economic centres.
“The African development story has long been defined by investment in the vast mineral wealth on the continent, leaving our creative industries to fend for themselves on the fringes of economic development for far too long. As a result, the film and television industries have not developed at the same rate as other industries on the continent, and not for a lack of talent, passion or imagination,” says Maharage Chande – MultiChoice Africa Regional Director – East & West Africa. “We are abundantly blessed in these areas, however, the space given for this expression has at best been limited and at worst, been relegated to the fringes of the mainstream economy, leaving in its wake, unfulfilled dreams, unexplored talent and unwritten stories. As an African business, MultiChoice, together with our valued partners and stakeholders across the continent, have collaborated to make a positive socio-economic impact in the communities in which we live and work through the MultiChoice Talent Factory initiative.”
For over two decades, MultiChoice has been committed to investing in the development of original African programming and showcasing it on the DStv and GOtv platforms across 49 sub-Saharan African countries. The launch of MTF forms part of the company’s new strategy of furthering this investment through *creating shared value by using its core business resources, people, skills and networks to affect a positive change in society that yields benefits for the business and society.
The MTF initiative will deliver three touchpoints that launch throughout the year, the MTF academies, Masterclasses and the MTF Portal. The first to launch is the MTF Academy, a 12-month educational programme aimed at furnishing 60 deserving, young, talented people who want to work and innovate in film and television production.
The MTF Academy students will be provided with skillsets to develop their talent, connect with industry professionals and tell authentic African stories through a comprehensive curriculum comprising theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience in cinematography, editing, audio production and storytelling. The programme will take place at three regional MTF Academies based in Kenya for East Africa, Nigeria for West Africa and Zambia for Southern African countries and will be overseen by acclaimed local film & TV industry experts. In East Africa, Ms. Njoki Muhoho has been appointed as the Academy Director for the hub.
Speaking during the launch event held in Dodoma, The minister for Information, Culture, Arts and Sports Dr. Harison Mwakyembe commended MultiChoice Africa for introducing the project at this time when the film industry is rapidly growing in Tanzania. “We have seen significant growth of the film industry in our country employing hundreds of our people hence it is very encouraging to see MultiChoice Africa introducing this project now. We really need highly trained film makers in Tanzania to enable us to produce more quality films which can compete in the international market” said the minister.
He added that if we have enhanced quality films, we will be in a better position to compete locally and internationally hence grow the industry, employ more Tanzanians and make the industry a significant contributor to the national economy.
“The government, will at all times support these kinds of initiative aimed at enhancing our various industries. We are partners with the private sectors in developing our country by enhancing our peoples knowledge and creating more employment” insisted the Minister.
Muhoho, MTF Academy Director for East Africa said, “Film making knowledge and skills that translate into enhanced livelihood, is what our youth in the creative industry desire,” She adds: “The MultiChoice Talent Factory is the response to this cry. MTF is a 12-month long film making boot camp where the student will be taken on an experiential and practical film-making journey that will result into a highly-competent graduate who is a passionate, employable and an entrepreneurial film maker. My role is to be a catalyst to this process.”
During the course of the programme, MTF Academy students will produce television and film content that will be aired on our local M-Net channels across the MultiChoice platform including Africa Magic, Maisha Magic East, Maisha Magic Bongo, Zambezi Magic, M-Net and SuperSport to reach African audiences on the DStv and GOtv platforms. Upon graduation from the MultiChoice Talent Factory Academy, the MTF student will leave the Academy with the knowledge and skills to contribute professionally to the film and television industry.
MultiChoice is calling all aspiring young film & TV creatives to apply for the MTF Academy from today, 30 May 2018, on The Call for Entry will close on 05 July 2018. The 60 post-school MTF students (20 for each region) – will be selected from *13 African countries where MultiChoice operates -will have an exciting opportunity to hone their television and film production skills in the company of industry experts during the year-long programme that will begin on 01 October 2018.
Join the MTF social media conversation on the hashtag #multichoicetalentfactory and follow/join:
- Instagram: @multichoicetalentfactory;
- Twitter: @MCTalentFactory
- Facebook: @multichoiceafricatalentfactory
* More information available in the Editors’ Notes.
Note to Editors:
- *Creating Shared Value (CSV): Read more on the strategy of creating shared value (CSV) here and
- *13 Markets eligible for entry include: WEST AFRICA: Nigeria, Ghana, EAST AFRICA: Kenya, Uganda, Tanzania; SOUTHERN AFRICA: Zambia, Zimbabwe, Botswana, Namibia, Malawi, Angola, Mozambique
- Bios and Images of the Academy Directors and the event will be available on request.
- Hi-res MultiChoice Talent Factory Logo available on request
For interview and other media request, please contact:
Johnson Mshana
Head of Corporate Affairs
+255 784 557755
About MultiChoice Africa:
Entertainment is a powerful way to tell stories that open our minds, bring people together around shared passions, and connect us to new realities. It makes us laugh and cry. It informs, it educates and it inspires. MultiChoice Africa is a video entertainment company, and our role is to enrich lives. Our mission is to deliver value to our customers by making great entertainment more accessible. We find and develop the right mix of content and deliver it to millions of people across Africa – anytime, anywhere via our DStv ( and GOtv ( platforms. Whether it’s local telenovelas, the excitement of world class sport or the latest global blockbusters, our investment in leading-edge content and technology systems deliver the shows that people love into their hands and their living rooms. We listen to our customers to understand their changing lives, the pressures they face and what matters most to them. We are committed to using these insights to put customers at the heart of all the decisions that each of us make every day. We’re reshaping our business to improve our customers’ experience, whenever and wherever they engage with us. Born and bred in Africa, MultiChoice is a team of more than 2750 full time and over 14 000 contractors and independent agencies and accredited installers who collectively deliver the greatest entertainment in the world to more than 49 countries across Sub-Saharan Africa. We are managed and run by local people, and strive to provide all our employees with new opportunities. We’re proud of the contribution we make to our communities, and our business has grown hand-in-hand with local economies by forging long-term partnerships with governments, national broadcasters and entrepreneurs. As the continent’s leading funder of sport and local production, we’ve built skills and capacity to better offer content that matters to our customers. As Africa continues to change rapidly, the entertainment industry is ever more relevant. We want to use our influence and resources to play a positive role in Africa by supporting the growth of Africa’s creative industries into vibrant, economic centres. It’s by creating value for our customers, our employees and society that we’ll build a successful business fit for the future. Visit for more information.
MultiChoice Yawekeza kukuza tasnia ya filamu Afrika
- Programuya MultiChoice Talent Factory kuchochea ubunifu
- Watanzania kwenda mafunzoni mwaka mzima
- Wanaotaka kushiriki sasa milango iko wazi!
DODOMA 30 Mei 2018 MultiChoice Africa, Imezindua rasmi program kubwa ya kijamii inayolenga kuleta mapinduzi makubwa katika tasnia ya filamu hapa Tanzania na barani Afrika kwa ujumla.
Program hiyo ijulikanayo kama MultiChoice Talent Factory (MTF) – inalenga kuchochea ubunifu wa vijana wa Afrika katika tasnia ya filamu na imeandaa vyuo maalum vitatu ambavyo vitatoa mafunzo maalum ya utengenezaji wa filamu kwa vijana kutoka nchi mbalimbali kote barani Afrika.
“Maendeleo ya nchi yetu kwa muda mrefu yamekuwa yakitambuliwa kwa uwekezaji katika maliasili nyingi tulizonazo kama vile madini, kilimo, mifugo, wanyamapori, na kadhalika huku sekta ya ubunifu ikiwa haijapewa kipaumbele kikubwa na hivyo sekta ya sanaa na ubunifu kuwa na mchango mdogo katika ukuaji wa uchumi wetu. Ili kuhakikisha kuwa tunasaidiana na serikali katika mkakati wake wa kuifanya sekta ya ubunifu na sanaa kuwa moja ya mihimili ya uchumi wetu, MultiChoice imeanzisha program hii na tumeanza na sekta ya filamu” alisema Maharage Chande, Mkurugenzi wa MultiChoice kanda ya Afrika Mashariki na Magharibi.
Tumebarikiwa kwa vipaji vingi katika fani mbalimbali na bila shaka tukiwekeza katika vipaji vya vijana wetu bila shaka tutafanikiwa kupanua wigo wa ajira na uchumi wetu na hivyo kuchangia kwa kiasi kikubwa ukuaji wa uchumi wa nchi yetu
Amesema Programmu hiyo itakayoanza rasmi mwezi Oktoba mwaka huu itawawezesha vijana wanne kutoka Tanzania kuungana na vijana wengine kutoka nchi mbali mbali za Afrika katika vyuo maalum vya mafunzo ya utengenezaji wa filam ambavyo vitakuwa nchini Nigeria, Kenya na Zambia.
Kwa upande wake, Waziri wa Habari, Utamaduni Sanaa na Michezo Dr. Harison Mwakyembe amesema program hiyo itakuwa chachu kubwa katika kuleta mapinduzi kwenye tasnia ya filamu hapa nchini kwani vijana watakaopatikana mbali na kwamba watakuwa na uwezo wa hali ya juu wa kutengeneza filamu, pali pia watakuwa kama waalimu wa wezao ambao wanavipaji katika tasnia hiyo.
“Nimefurahi sana kusikia kuwa MultiChoice wanapanga kuendelea na mpango huu kwa muda mrefu kwahiyo japokuwa tunaaza kwa kupeleka wanafunzi wanne, bado tunaamini huu ni mwanzo mzuri sana. Cha msingi kwanza siyo ididi ya wanafunzi, bali ni umuhimu wa chuo hicho na kiwango cha mafuzo kitakachotolewa. Tunaamini kwa mwaka huu wa kwanza vijana hao wakikamilisha mafuzo yao na wakirudi nyumbani watakuwa chachu kubwa katika kukuza na kuimarisha tasnia ya filamu hapa nchini”
Pia ametoa rai kwa MultiChoice kushirikiana kwa karibu na wizara ya Elimu na Mafunzo ya Ufundi na pia vyou vyetu ambavyo vinatoa elimu ya sanaa ya filamu ili kuhakikisha kuwa wanabadilishana ujuzi na uzoefu na pia ikiwezekana kuwa na miradi ya pamoja ya muda mrefu na mfupi na hivyo kuwafikia vijana wengi zaidi na kuweza kutimiza lengo kuu la kuifanya fani ya filamu kuwa moja ya nguzo za uchumi wa nchi hii.
Program hiyo inaanza rasmi kwa kupokea maombi ya washiriki ambayo yatapokewa kwa njia ya mtandao
Kwa ufupi;
- Programu hii inamruhusu mtanzania anayekidhi vigezo kuingia kwenye mashindano ya kupata washindi wanne ambao watadhaminiwa kwa mwaka mmoja kwa mafunzo yote yahusuyo utengenezaji filamu.
- Maelezo zaidi yanapatikana kwenye tovuti ya
- Vilevile kutakuwa na namba maalum ambayo inapatikana kuanzia tarehe 1 June 2018.
- Wanaotaka kushiriki wanaweza kuanza kuwasilisha maombi yao kuanzia sasa na mwisho ni tarehe 4 July 2018
- Hakuna gharama za kushiriki kwenye mashindano
- Mafuzo rasmi kuanza mwezi wa Oktoba 2018, jijini Nairobi, Kenya
- Washindi watako chaguliwa watakuwa wanne (4)
- Gharama zote zitalipiwa na Multichoice kwa kipindi cha mwaka mmoja
Jiunge na ulingo wa MTF Mitandaoni kwa #multichoicetalentfactory kisha fuata au jiunge kwa:
- Instagram: @multichoicetalentfactory;
- Twitter: @MCTalentFactory
- Facebook: @multichoiceafricatalentfactory
Kwa Maelezo zaidi wasiliana na;
Johnson Mshana
Mkuu wa Mawasiliano