Makampuni ya kiwango cha kati yanatimiza jukumu muhimu katika maendeleo ya uchumi wa Tanzania. Kwa kutambua hilo, KPMG na Mwananchi C...
Makampuni ya kiwango cha kati yanatimiza jukumu muhimu katika maendeleo ya uchumi wa Tanzania. Kwa kutambua hilo, KPMG na Mwananchi Communications walianzisha utafiti wa makampuni 100 bora yafanyayo biashara ya kiwango cha kati. Banki M Tanzania ndiye mdhamini mkuu wa tuzo zitakazotolewa baada ya utafiti huo muhimu.
Utafiti huo hubainisha mafanikio ya makampuni yafanyayo biashara ya kiwango cha kati na jinsi yanavyochangia ukuaji wa uchumi kwa ujumla.
Washindi wa utafiti huo watatangazwa katika hafla ya utoaji tuzo za makampuni bora yafanyayo biashara ya kiwango cha kati mwezi Septemba, hafla itakayofanyika jijini DSM.
Akiongea katika mkutano na waandishi wa habari, Mkurugenzi wa KPMG, Vincent Ongala alisema kuwa idadi ya makampuni ambayo yanajitokeza kwa hiari kushiriki katika utafiti huu inazidi kuongezeka mwaka hadi mwaka. “tunatarajia kiasi cha makampuni 250 kushiriki katika tuzo za mwaka huu wa 2017.
Mhariri Mtendaji Mkuu wa Mwananchi Communications, Bakari Machumu alielezea mafanikio waliyoyapata kutokana na kuandaa utafiti huu,” kuna makampuni ambayo hayatafanikiwa kushinda mwaka huu, lakini yasivunjike moyo kwani mwakani yanaweza kufanya vizuri zaidi.”Machumu pia aliwashukuru Bank M kwa kuendelea kuwaamini na kuendelea kuwa wadhamini wakuu kwa mwaka wa tatu mfululizo.
Wadhamini wengine ambao wameshikana mikono na KPMG pamoja na MCL mwaka huu ni Azam Media.
AZAM MEDIA: Wamevutiwa kuungana mkono na wadhamini wengine ilikutoa fursa kwa wafanyabiashara 100 wa kiwango cha kati ilikuweza kupata fursa ya kutangaza biashara zao kupitia vyombo vyake vya habari ikiwemo Television na (Online as AZAM APP ONLINE). Hii ni fursa ya pekee kwa kutumia AZAM media unaweza kutanua wigo wa biashara katika nchi jirani kwani Azam Media imekuwa ikiangaliwa sana hapa nchini na nje ya nchi zikiwemo Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda, Burundi, Malawi na baadhi ya sehemu kama nchi za kongo, Sudan. Hivyo itasaidia kupanua soko na kukuza biashara kwa bei nafuu ilikuwezesha kutangaza biashara kimataifa.
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Sehemu ya wana habari na wageni wengine walioshiriki uzinduzi huo. |
Tanzania Top 100 Mid-sized Companies Survey Launched
The search for the top 100 mid-sized companies is back. This year’s Tanzanian top 100 mid-sized companies’ survey was officially launched in Dar es Salaam yesterday.
Speaking at the launch, the KPMG Partner Mr Vincent Onjala, said the survey shows that an increased competition tops the list of challenges facing mid-sized companies.
“This survey has a lot of benefits to the Tanzanian companies. But the most important one is mileage. When your company is ranked in the top 100 mid-sized companies, you are in what I call the mileage zone. You get a lot of publicity, recognition and respect from all stakeholders,” said Mr. Onjala. He said the mid-sized businesses need to change perception and come up with the best ways through which they can make their companies more marketable. He encouraged all Tanzanian mid-sized companies to seize this opportunity and participate in the survey as it has multiple benefits.
Top 100 mid-sized companies’ survey was initiated by KPMG and Mwananchi Communication Limited (MCL). It is organized annually and aims to recognize mid-sized companies that are doing better than their peers in economic development of Tanzania. For the fourth year in a row, Bank M is the platinum sponsor of the survey.
Companies that qualify for the survey are those with a turnover range between TZS 1 to 20 billion, audited financial records for the last 3 years, not listed on a stock exchange market and must not be a bank/ insurance company/SACCO/Law firm/Accounting or auditing firm. The Top 100 Mid-Sized Companies are selected from all participating companies on the basis of their revenue growth over the past three years.
The Executive Editor for Mwananchi Communications Limited (MCL), Mr Bakari Machumu, stated the survey is not only to help the participating companies build their brands beyond the borders, but also to drill them on how to deal with and stay ahead of competition or better still, how to thrive amid growing competition. “We are here to support the mid-sized companies to grow despite the challenges”.
The purpose of the Top 100 Survey is to identify Tanzania’s fastest growing medium-sized companies with a view to showcase their business excellence and highlight their most successful entrepreneurship stories. Over the last six years, we have had over 1000 companies seeking to be among the Top 100 Mid-sized companies. However, not all have been eligible for participation.
Winners of the renowned Tanzania Top 100 Mid-Sized Companies Survey will be announced in September during a grand gala dinner event to be held in Dar es Salaam.
Other sponsors that joined hands with KPMG and MCL are Azam TV.