Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Mawasilino kutoka Wizara ya Ardhi Nyumba na Maendeleo ya Makazi, Mboza Lwandikoakiongea na waandishi wa habari jiji...
Na Georgina Misama – MAELEZO
Serikali imewataka wamiliki wa ardhi kuhakikisha wanalipia kodi ya pango la ardhi kwa wakati ili kuepuka kunyang’anywa umiliki wa ardhi zao.
Hayo yamesemwa na Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Mawasilino kutoka Wizara ya Ardhi Nyumba na Maendeleo ya Makazi, Mboza Lwandiko wakati akizungumza na waandishi wa habari, Jijini Dar es Salaa.
Mboza alisema kwamba Wizara inakusudia kufanya mnada wa viwanja takribani 10 kutoka Halmashauri ya Manispaa ya Ilala, Temeke na Kinondoni ambavyo havijalipiwa kodi ya pango la ardhi mpaka Machi 24, 2017.
“Usipolipa Kodi ya Pango la Ardhi kwa wakati, utanyanganywa umiliki wa ardhi yako, kutokana na sheria ya Ardhi, Na. 4 ya mwaka 1999, katika kifungu cha 49 na 51”, alisema Mboza.
Naye Mkuu wa Kitengo cha Kodi kutoka Wizara hiyo, Denis Masami alitoa ufafanuzi wa utaratibu unaotumika kuwasiliana na wamiliki wa ardhi walioshindwa kulipa kodi kwa wakati na kusema kwamba wadaiwa wanapewa hati ya madai na kupewa muda wa kukamilisha madeni yao.
Muda wa kukamilisha malipo ukipita, amri ya mahakama ya kukamata mali hufuata, ambapo mmiliki wa ardhi atatakiwa kuikomboa ardhi yake kwa kulipa deni mara moja, akishindwa Mahakama hutoa amri ya kuuza mali.
Mahakama imetoa amri ya kwanza tarehe 27/01/2017 ya kukamata mali kwa wadaiwa sugu na tarehe 24/01/2017 mahakama ilitoa kibali kwa Wizara ya Ardhi, Nyumba na Maendeleo ya Makazi kuuza kwa mnada wa hadhara viwanja ambavyo havijalipiwa kodi ya pango la ardhi.
“Tarehe 20 Machi, 2017 Wizara ya Ardhi Nyumba na Maendeleo ya Makazi ilitoa tangazo la mnada wa hadhara wa kuuza viwanja ambavyo havijalipiwa kodi ya ardhi unaotarajiwa kufanyika Machi 26, 2017”, alisema Denis.
Denis aliongeza kwamba Wizara imeandaa orodha ya wadaiwa sugu, mpaka sasa katika orodha hiyo baadhi ya viwanja vimelipiwa sehemu ya kodi inayodaiwa baada ya wamiliki kuomba kukamilisha sehemu iliyobaki kabla ya kumalizika kwa muhula huo.
Wizara inatoa rai kwa watanzania wanaomiliki ardhi kujifunza utamaduni wa kulipia kodi pasipo shurti. Kodi ya ardhi hulipiwa kila ifikapo Julai Mosi ya kila mwaka katika Manispaa au Halmashauri husika na katika Ofisi za Malipo ya Kodi-Dar es Salaam.
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Wajumbe kutoka Tanzania katika picha ya pamoja na ujumbe kutoka Finland
kwenye mkutano wa 18 wa Benki ya Dunia kuhusu masuala ya Ardhi na Umaskini
uliofanyika mjini Washington DC, Marekani
By Mboza Lwandiko
The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development attended the World Bank’s 18th Annual Conference on Land and Poverty; March 20 – 24, 2017 – Washington DC – United States of America.
The conference’s theme was Responsible Land Governance: Towards an Evidence-Based Approach. The focus is on the role of data and evidence for realizing land policy reform; identify strategies for working at scale and monitoring achievements.
The Land and Poverty conference presents the latest research and practice on the diversity of reforms, interventions, and innovations in the land sector around the world.
The conference has become one of the largest international events on land governance, attracting over 1,200 participants from governments, academics, civil society, and the private sector.
The Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development in Tanzania presented the country by a paper presentation, presented by the Permanent Secretary of the Ministry; Dr. Yamungu Kayandabila, with the theme; Land as a Key for Better Governance and Economic Growth for Tanzania; Perspectives and Recent Initiatives.
Some of the issues that were pinpointed on his paper were how the Land administration in Tanzania preserves good governance which bases on the rule of Law, transparency, accountability and participation of the community in decision making. With reference of the procedures to Land tenure and access to land in Tanzania, Policy and legal framework for land administration, Institutional framework for land administration and public and private sector.
Dr. Kayandabila also identified challenges of the land sector. On the Master planning (urban development), he said; more than 70 percent of the urban settlements are unplanned and on the land use planning; Only about 10 percent of the villages have land use plans.
However, among the initiatives that are on going; Dr. Kayandabila said; The Land Management Information System (ILMIS) is expected to replace the manual system with an electronic system, Also on the planning, surveying and registration of land parcels in rural areas, such as Kilombero, Ulanga, Malinyi and Iringa districts are to promote land based investment and the Review of the National Land Policy shall take care of contemporary needs.
Other participants who attended the conference from Tanzania were; The acting director for The National Land Use Planning Commission (NLUPC), Dkt. Stephen Nindi, Assistant Commissioner for Dar es Salaam zone; Mathew Nhone; Assistant director for the department of Rural and Village Planning; Immaculate Senje, Acting registrar for The District Land and Housing Tribunals; Amina Rashidi, all from the Ministry of Lands, Housing and Human Settlements Development; And the director of Kinondoni Municipality; Aaron Kagurumjuli and Land officer of the Kinondoni Municipality; Rehema Mwinuka.
Fortunately the Tanzania delegation had a chance to meet with the Finland delegation, on which amongst the Finland delegation, was the former ambassador of Finland in Tanzania; Sinikka Antila, director of surveying and mapping and other representatives from different companies of surveying and mapping equipment and software for master plans. The delegates had conversations and agreed on meeting again in Tanzania.
Other presented themes of the Conference included; Research on land governance and rigorous impact evaluations, Delivering land administration services at scale, Harnessing geospatial data, cloud platforms, and other data technologies, Land and urbanization, Land for infrastructure, investment, disaster risk reduction, and Securing land rights for equity, sustainability, and resilience.
And a few of presentations presented incorporated; Land Use Rights, Land Governance Institutions, and Tenure Security Indicators in a Pastoral Community: Evidence from a Baseline Study in the Afar Region Ethiopia; Resilient Pastoral Institution for a Changing Environment: the case of the Stock Routes Co-Management Approach in Western Sudan; Strengthening Security of Tenure for Indigenous Bedouins in the West Bank, Palestine; Towards Securing Community Land Tenure in Kenya A Holistic Approach To Community-Based Natural Resource Governance, Kenya; Building Local Capacity to Monitor Land Use Change and Intervention Impacts. Senegal and Community Land Rights Delimitation and Natural Resources Management in Mozambique: Significance and Implications for Sustainable and Inclusive Development, Mozambique.