On the morning of Friday,17 th March 2017 Prof. Elifas Tozo Bisanda, the Vice Chancellor of the Open University of Tanzania (OUT) visite...
On the morning of Friday,17thMarch
2017 Prof. Elifas Tozo Bisanda, the Vice Chancellor of the Open
University of Tanzania (OUT) visited the UNESCO Office in Dar es Salaam.
Bisanda, who is also the Chairperson of the UNESCO National Commission
of the United Republic of Tanzania, had a meeting with the UNESCO Dar es
Salaam Head of Office and Country Representative, Ms. Zulmira Rodrigues
followed by a meeting with all office staff.
- UNESCO Dar es Salaam Head of Office and Country Representative Ms. Zulmira Rodrigues talking during the visit of Prof. Bisanda
his meeting with staff members, Prof. Bisanda introduced the Open
University of Tanzania, and outlined its history, mission, programs and
innovative solutions in education and management introduced by the
University. These included blended learning (combining online and
face-to-face methodologies) and solutions for visually and hearing
impaired learners. UNESCO Dar es Salaam Head of Office and Country
Representative Ms Zulmira Rodrigues encouraged staff to take advantage
of the learning opportunities that the OUT provides.
Open University of Tanzania is a long-time partner of UNESCO Dar es
Salaam in implementation of education programs and projects in Tanzania,
including the ongoing Chinese funded project, “Enhancing Teacher
Education for Bridging the Quality Gap in Tanzania”.