Kulia ni Mkurugenzi Mtendaji wa G4S Jacqui Bothma akiongea na waandishi wa habari katika tamasha la Rugby liliwashirikisha wanafunzi wa...
Kocha kutoka Ufaransa Guillume Moisseau akiangalia wanafunzi kama wanazingatia mafunzo aliyowapatia.
Kocha kutoka Ufaransa Guillume Moisseau. akiwafundisha mchezo wa Rugby.
Kocha kutoka Afrika Kusini Ian
Mcintosh (kulia mwenye mpira) akiwafundisha mchezo wa Rugby wanafunzi hao. Kulia anayemsaidia kwa mafunzo ni Kocha Dale.
Mmoja wa wachezaji akimtoka mwenzake huku akiwa na mpira katika mafunzo hayo. Kulia ni Kocha kutoka Ufaransa Guillume Moisseau. |
Wanafunzi wa kicheza mchezo huo wakati wa mafunzo hayo. |
Wanafunzi wakiwa katika mafunzo kwa vitendo uwanjani |
Wanafunzi kutoka shule mbalimbali walishiriki wakipiga makofi katika hafla hiyo. |
Washiriki, makocha wadhamini pamoja na wanafunzi wakiwa katika picha baada ya michezo. |
Kocha kutoka Afrika Kusini Ian
Mcintosh akiwafundisha mchezo wa Rugby wanafunzi hao.
Washiriki wakiwa katika picha ya pamoja tena. |
Kocha kutoka Uingereza Ryan Jones (wa pili kulia) akiwafundisha mchezo wa Rugby
wanafunzi wa kutoka shule za msingi mbalimbali za Dar es Salaam katika tamasha hilo.
G4S and Bhubesi Pride bring Rugby in Africa Tour -
2013 to Local Tanzanian Schools
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania – April 20, 2013 - G4S Secure Solutions (T) Limited
part of the G4S group, the world’s leading security solutions group and Bhubesi
Pride a UK based charitable organization working in 10 African countries to
support community development and rugby, has this year brought the Rugby in
Africa Tour to local Tanzanian schools. A total of 4000 Tanzanian school
children have received rugby coaching from some of the best coaches in the
international rugby coaches such as Ryan Jones of the South African Springboks,
Juan Pablo Andrade, Gullaume Boisseau, Ben Illingworth, Jonathan Markiwitz and
Mike Googan, the Rugby in Africa Tour-2013 aims to promote Social change,
Education and development through Rugby. The tour has passed through Ethiopia,
Kenya, Uganda, Rwanda and now Tanzania, where the team has conducted trainings
over 3 weeks in Arusha, Moshi and Dar es Salaam and will continue to Malawi,
Zambia, Botswana, Namibia and South Africa.
“ You can’t change everyone in society but if
we change one, two or 4,000 people only then, can you make a difference.” We
hope to impact the community and society at large especially children” says the
G4S Managing Director in Tanzania Jaqui Bothma. “Besides rugby coaching, we
also conduct career counseling, Health and Safety tips as well as tips on protecting
the environment. We have customized a local experience and made it practical so
that the children can use this knowledge fully” she added.
initiative has served the objectives to unite both boys and girls through sport, addressing health education
and life skills, empowering local
teaching staff by providing equipment, resources, training and knowledge as
well as inspired sustainable development through the establishment and
development of long-term international school links between Africa and Europe.
“ I love
coming, to schools like Mapambano Shelikongo in Dar es Salaam as it is a
perfect demonstration of how Bhubesi Pride working with key people like G4S on
the ground can ensure meaningful community Rugby programs to be sustainable. G4S
activating their staff from relevant departments to contribute to the school
community through health and safety trainings and discussing career opportunities
with the children goes hand in hand with the sport program in promoting healthy
lifestyles.” Says Bhubesi Pride’s founder Richard Bennett.
grand finale in Tanzania took place today at the International School of
Tanganyika with friendly tournaments between the children as well as more
seasoned Rugby players in Tanzania. The initiative will continue throughout the
year through the support of G4S who hope to create an environment whereby
teenagers will no longer opt for crime but instead focus on sports. G4S also
sponsors children in Olympics especially
under-privileged youths. The initiative has also received support from Police
Commissioner Kova who believes in the value of sports and how it can change
more information, visit: www.rugbyinafrica.org
About G4S
G4S is the
world's leading international security solutions group. With operations in more
125 countries
and 657,000 employees, we specialize in outsourced business processes and
facilities in
sectors where security and safety risks are considered a strategic threat.
G4S Secure Solutions (T) Limited is a Tanzanian-registered Security
Company specializing in
the protection
of assets in the financial, industrial, diplomatic and commercial sectors. G4S
employs almost
2,000 people on a full time basis with an annual turnover in excess of Tzs17
billion per
G4S Secure
Solutions (T) Ltd has branches in the following 6 regions in Tanzania:
We also provide
Cash in Transit Services in the following regions: